
Chimps, Frogs & Planet Earth II

Chimps, Frogs & Planet Earth II

I’m just back from my last shoot of the year, a fairly brief 3 week catch-up with the chimp group we’ve been filming for the last 18 months. This is always an extremely difficult time of year to film; the rainy season has just finished so the vegetation is very thick – we often have to […] Read more »
Soggy tigers

Soggy tigers

Looking for tigers in the monsoon is tricky. A few months ago we would have seen our tiger family almost every day, or, at the very least, we would know where they were. This trip was very different. In a month I probably got to film them in a meaningful way half a dozen times. […] Read more »
Tigers, Chimps & Wildscreen nominations

Tigers, Chimps & Wildscreen nominations

I’m finally back at home after a very busy start to the year – alternating shoots on the two BBC1 Dynasties films I’m working on has meant that I haven’t had much time to fully decompress. I now have a few weeks at home – the first time in a while – and actually get to […] Read more »
More tigers, more chimps ...

More tigers, more chimps …

It’s been a very busy last few weeks. We had a very good month in India working on our tiger film – as usual it was often challenging; always seeing so much more than we ever manage to film. But we had some lovely moments and it continues to be an absolute delight to have […] Read more »
Chimps and tigers

Chimps and tigers

I’ve been home for three weeks, it’s been lovely to actually be around for most of December to see the boy’s school Christmas productions – the last few years I haven’t returned home until late December and I’ve really missed the buildup to Christmas. My most recent shoot was in Senegal, filming chimps for a […] Read more »
Felix & Honey

Felix & Honey

A couple of days ago we inspected our bee colony for the first time this year. They were a tiny colony going into winter, and we’ve dipped below -10C a few times, so we were somewhat concerned that they might not make it. But whenever the sun has put in an appearance in the last […] Read more »

2011 – 2012 Showreel

2011 - 2012 Showreel Read more »

2009-2010 Showreel

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Where am I?

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