Filming Gallery
Me looking sinister in a hide – filming Sandhill Cranes – one of my favourite species – for ‘Wild New World’, Nabraska, 2001
Fernando, me, Ruth & Renate filming in Emas NP
You’ve got to love them … Meerkat Manor, 2004
Self portrait at ‘Polychome Overlook’ – if you get up early enough you have the park to yourself
Ian, Pam & Tim fight over floor space in an abandoned research station, Masoala, Madagascar, 2010
Filming Black Bear in suburban Anchorage – a familiar sight on garbage collection day (the bear, not me). ‘Moose on the Loose’, 2005
Filming Musk Ox near Nome, AK, for ‘Wild New World’, 1998
Filming in Arches NP, Utah, ‘Wild New World’, 2000
The wonderful Adam White, compares aural appendages with a pachyderm. ‘Wild New World’, 2001
Filming Red Ruffed Lemurs from a tree platform, Masoala, Madagascar 2010
Striking a pose in the Atacama Desert, ‘Andes to Amazon’, 1999
Me, neoprene, ducks. ‘Moose on the Loose’, 2005
Adam directs, camera takes on water. Florida, ‘Wild New World’, 2000
Dennis & Steve – tooled up
So young, so trusting. ‘Meerkat Manor’, 2004
Filming Musk Ox in the winter near Nome, AK – we have temporarily mislaid them. ‘Wild New World’, 1998
Minijib set up to film meerkats, Meerkat Manor, 2004
Jimmy Jib set up in an Ice-Age cave set. ‘Wild New World’, 2000
Very high in a tree – courtesy of the Mighty Foggs, filming a Madagascan Hawk Eagle, Masoala, Madagascar, 2010
The wonderful Matt Drake, fiddling with meerkat pups, Meerkat Manor, 2005
Mask, headnet and camo kneepads. It’s a miracle the chimps didn’t run a mile.
My bedroom at Emas NP, Brazil – another home from home. ‘Andes to Amazon’, 1999
They look both ways, then just cross regardless. ‘Moose on the Loose’, 2005
Filming the sun setting over the Cook Inlet, Anchorage, AK. ‘Moose on the Loose’, 2005
The ‘Dream Team’ Babaze, Janvier & Doris
My Jimmy Jib III set up in a cave set built in Central Studios, Bristol. ‘Wild New World’, 2000
Ian Gray, directing, Nose Mangabe, Madagascar, 2009
Me, neoprene, ducks. ‘Moose on the Loose’, 2005
Me & Jogoo (I’m on the left), while filming for ‘The Wild Ladies of Viramba’, Tanzania, 2002
My (damp) hut while filming Silky Sifaka’s, Marojejy NP, Madagascar, 2010
Very high in a tree – courtesy of the Mighty Foggs, filming a Madagascan Hawk Eagle, Masoala, Madagascar, 2010
Me and a Silky
The last day of filming – 2 minutes later the dogs killed another wildebeest
Leandro, Anna, me, three Jaguars … and Rob pretending to operate the crane
Sean Morris, pointing at something with Mark MacEwen and his guns in the background. ‘Wild Ladies of Viramba’, 2002
Little kid looking through my viewfinder – I’ve no idea where he came from – Utria, Colombia, 1997
Home sweet home
Watching snow melt, Cook Inlet, Anchorage, AK. ‘Moose on the Loose’, 2005
Filming timelapses on the north rim of the Grand Canyon. ‘Wild New World’ 2000
Jib set up in the incredible Ankor Wat temple complex, Cambodia. ‘Deep Jungle’ 2006
Beware of the caterpillars …
One of our remote cameras; at about -20C they, and I, stopped working properly
Charles, Ali & Abdul – they stopped us getting eaten by lions. ‘Wild Ladies of Viramba’, 2002
Our fully-featured cooking hut, Masoala, Madagascar, 2010
Trying not to inhale – filming a termite emergence, Brazil. ‘Andes to Amazon’ 1999
Entering the world of the Urban Beaver, Anchorage. ‘Moose on the Loose’, 2005
The trick is to use bits of the bridge you have already crossed to fill in the gaps in the bridge ahead, Pantanal, Brazil. ‘Andes to Amazon’, 1997
Our ride to work, filming Brown Bears, Prince William Sound, AK. ‘Wild New World’, 2000
You didn’t have to dress like an idiot to film the chimps … but I did
Makira kit: everything but the kitchen sink (although we did bring the fridge)
Can you see the dogs? … neither can I
Getting set up for aerials over the west coast of Scotland. ‘Natural History of Britain’, 2004
Getting ready to film aerials over LA with Stephen Dunleavey. ‘Wild New World’, 2000
Setting up a cable dolly run with The Mighty Foggs and Ian Gray, Madagascar, 2010
Filming with my Jimmy Jib III in a landfill site outside Anchorage, AK. The landfill was frequented by a pack of wolves – which we spent months trying to film
My sleeping hut – made of tin, very hot, full of mice and shared with Mark MacEwen – if you look carefully you can spot the hot jazz licks I’m copping. ‘Wild Ladies of Viramba’, 2002