BBC1, Seven Worlds, One Planet broadcast

The series I’ve spent much of the last two years working on, Seven Worlds, One Planet, is now being broadcast on BBC1 – the website, with clips, behind the scenes stories and schedules is here

I was lucky enough to film sequences across the whole series including Weddell Seals in Antarctica, Humbolt Penguins in Chile, Thorny Devil lizards in Australia, Snub Nosed monkeys in China, Sumatran Rhinos and some rather wonderful hamsters in the Europe episode.

As always the teams involved with putting these programmes together have been amazing, from the production co-ordinators who manage to get us safely to, and from, some tricky locations to the researchers, producers, camera teams and editors who make the stories work on the screen. We invariably teamed up with brilliant people the field too – biologists, conservationists and support staff who are often the unsung hero’s and heroin’s of projects like this.

The grave conservation issues that are facing our planet are woven through each film and, judging by the first episode, Antarctica, the producers and directors have given a genuine emotional soul to landmark natural history television; a really impressive achievement.